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  • Can capitalism be harnessed to solve environmental problems, or is capitalism itself the problem?

    When right-wing pundits and corporate flacks compare environmentalists to watermelons (green on the outside, red on the inside), they mean it as a slur. But when eco-socialists look at the wider environmental movement, they see a big green tomato that had better ripen up, and soon. Hybridizing the analyses of Karl Marx with those of […]

  • Study finds mandatory caps work better than voluntary programs to limit pollution

    Smokestacking the deck? Photo: USGS. This just in, from the Department of Near-Tautologies: Mandatory emissions caps rein in power-plant pollution more effectively than voluntary programs. That’s the conclusion being drawn from a report on the environmental records of the 100 largest electricity companies in the U.S., released last week by an alliance of bottom-liners and […]

  • Margie Eugene-Richard of Louisiana battled Shell on behalf of her neighborhood

    Eugene-Richard. Photo: Goldman Environmental Prize. The Old Diamond neighborhood of Norco, in far southern Louisiana, sits between a Shell Chemicals plant and an oil refinery owned by a Shell joint venture. “We’re like the meat in the sandwich,” says Margie Eugene-Richard, 62, who grew up just 25 feet from the fenceline of the chemical plant. […]

  • Al-Gore-Rhythm

    Gore Blasts American Companies for Lagging on Green Tech American companies spend too much time fighting environmental regulations and too little time researching and developing the next generation of green technologies, said former vice president and 2000 popular-vote winner Al Gore in a speech to Stanford University business students yesterday. Gore cited a recent deal […]

  • Liquidated

    Water Privatization Sweeps World Despite Problems Water will be to the 21st century what oil was to the 20th, predicted Fortune Magazine in May 2000, and it is shaping up to be a prescient claim. Multinational corporations now run the water systems that provide for 7 percent of the world’s population, with analysts expecting that […]

  • Seventh Heaven Can Wait

    Eco-Friendly, Socially Conscious Company Faces Tough Choices Seventh Generation, the biggest U.S. brand of eco-friendly household products — toilet paper, diapers, soaps, etc. — is a case study in the possibilities and perils facing companies with a social conscience. Founder and CEO Jeffrey Hollender recently struggled over his decision to continue supplying the company’s products […]

  • Shareholding Industry Responsible

    Shareholders Call on Companies to Address Global Warming A group of pension-fund managers representing public employees announced yesterday that they had filed shareholder resolutions with 10 North American oil and gas companies, calling on them to report to investors how they plan to deal with the problem of global warming and, more to the point, […]

  • Buy Winslow, Sell High

    Green Investment Fund Doubles Returns The Winslow Green Growth Fund, established in 1994 and run by Matthew Patsky, has doubled its worth in the last 12 months — and outperformed stock benchmarks like the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index — by investing in environmentally and socially responsible companies. Winslow targets such companies as Quantum Fuel […]

  • Wood-labeling program less green than it appears

    If you’ve got plans to undertake a woodworking project — building a deck, say, or a fancy new china cabinet — you’re probably not going to figure a plane ticket to Burma or Humboldt County, Calif., into the budget, even if you’d like to be sure that the wood you’ll use has been harvested sustainably. […]

  • A More Perfect Union

    Sierra Club and Auto Workers Unite Against Bush Fuel-Economy Plan Bush’s new fuel-economy plan is even ticking off the United Auto Workers union. The UAW has often been at odds with enviros over auto efficiency standards, but now it’s teaming up with the Sierra Club to fight the administration’s proposal. In a joint op-ed published […]