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  • Google Gaga

    Google Bans Ads from Environmental Group The popular search engine Google is facing accusations of censorship after it refused to carry ads from an environmental group that is protesting a major cruise line’s sewage-treatment methods. The Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit Oceana paid Google to run an ad that read “Help us protect the world’s oceans” when […]

  • Stuck in Trafficking

    Enviros Accuse Malaysia of Enabling Illegal Timber Smuggling The Environmental Investigation Agency and the Indonesian environmental group Telapak yesterday accused the Malaysian government of turning a blind eye to the widespread trafficking of timber illegally logged from Indonesia. According to an investigative report by the two groups, large quantities of the endangered tropical hardwood ramin […]

  • First-of-its-kind report lambastes ExxonMobil for CO2 emissions

    Warning signs. Photo: Greenpeace. ExxonMobil and its predecessor companies stretching back to Standard Oil were responsible for a whopping 5 percent of the world’s total carbon dioxide emissions between 1882 and 2002, thanks to the companies’ operations and the burning of their products, according to a recent study put out by the Coalition for Environmentally […]

  • Do the Domenici

    Senate Republicans, led by Pete Domenici (R-N.M.), are trying one more time to get the Bush administration’s energy bill passed, but growing worries over the massive federal budget deficit are making it difficult. You see, Domenici and crew larded the bill up with billions of dollars worth of tax incentives and subsidies (on top of […]

  • Walk Like an Egyptian

    Egyptian Agro-Business Is Socially Conscious and Green to Boot In the arid Egyptian desert — an area not typically associated with socially progressive entrepreneurship — the Sekem Group is demonstrating how home-grown business can make both profit and positive change. Founded in 1977 by Ibrahim Abouleish, the agro-business has developed a wide range of products […]

  • Citigroup Hug

    Citigroup Adopts Green-Friendly Policies After four years of pressure and protests from the Rainforest Action Network, the world’s largest financial institution announced today that it will adopt a comprehensive corporate policy stressing eco-friendly investment. Citigroup will carefully assess financing requests for projects that might adversely affect natural habitats and will not finance any logging in […]

  • Rubbers? Ducky!

    Condom Factory in Brazil to Fight AIDS, Deforestation Giving new meaning to the promise of “protection,” a new condom factory in northwest Brazil is expected to not only fight the spread of AIDS in that country (one of the world’s hardest-hit by the disease) but also to slow the destruction of native old-growth forests. The […]

  • Industry flacks learn how to snooker the public with their not-so-eco-friendly messages

    This morning, some 50 people powwowed in the chandeliered Ticonderoga conference room of the Hyatt Regency hotel on Capitol Hill for a conference entitled “Environmental Issues 2004: How to Get Results in an Election Year.” There weren’t more than a handful of environmentalists in attendance — perhaps because the conference was hosted by the National […]

  • The Big Disease-y

    New Controls Needed on Wildlife Trade to Prevent Disease, Scientists Say Leading wildlife and conservation experts from 10 nations say that stronger controls on global wildlife trade are needed to stem the spread of deadly diseases from exotic animals to humans. “Most wild-caught animals found in pet shops and food markets have never been tested […]

  • The Oil Hits the Fan

    Oil Pipeline Through Georgian Republic Runs Into Trouble A $3 billion, 1,000-mile pipeline — slated to be pumping oil from the newly opened Caspian oilfields through Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey to the world market by April 2005 — has run into a whole mess of trouble. Environmentalists and many local groups are incensed that the […]