Admittedly, this is more of a link dump than a true blog post, but sometimes the green goodness is too good to pass up … As Sarah and David have mentioned, the May edition of Vanity Fair is their third annual green issue. Featuring, ironically, the material girl on the cover, it’s crammed with features that will enlighten, illuminate, and … disturb.

Pulitzer prize-winning journalists Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele investigate Monsanto. (“We’ve never written about a company where some of its own customers are scared of it,” they said.) Donald Trump and Michael Forbes duke it out over a chunk of pristine Scottish seacoast. (“When I called to tell him that Vanity Fair wanted me to look into the local furor over his proposed golf course in Scotland, [Trump] asked — I could feel his almost childlike excitement growing, even on the phone — “Do you think they’re going to put me on the cover?”)

In the print edition only, there is also Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. with a manifesto for America’s next president, Michael Shnayerson with a fascinating piece on the twisted political demise of the polar bear, and a gorgeous preview of the new uber-green California Academy of Sciences, designed by architect Renzo Piano.

Online exclusives include a canoe trip down the once-filthy Bronx River and, of course, David’s guest blogging at Green Beat.

Altogether a prize package to celebrate the Earth in ’08 … Let’s just hope the awareness it raises offsets the impacts of the 285-page print version — most of which is still devoted, sigh, to entreaties to buy more stuff (aka, advertisements).