Coming out of Super Tuesday’s primaries and caucuses in 22 states, the Republicans are looking ever more likely to nominate their most eco-conscious candidate, John McCain, who was the big GOP winner of the day. But green issues don’t seem to have played much if any role in the Republican voting, and McCain didn’t reference anything environmental in his speech to supporters at the end of the night. In contrast, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama — who are still running oh so close — both made impassioned calls for environmental action in their speeches on Tuesday. “I see an America where we stand up to the oil companies and the oil-producing countries, where we launch a clean energy revolution and finally confront the climate crisis,” said Clinton, who also praised “businesses who are training people for green-collar jobs” and “the auto companies and the auto workers who want higher gas-mileage cars so we can compete with the rest of the world.” Said Obama, “[W]e will harness the ingenuity of farmers and scientists and entrepreneurs to free this nation from the tyranny of oil once and for all and we will invest in solar and wind and biodiesel, clean energy, green energy that can fuel economic development for generations to come.” And the race goes on …