Last fall, cows that were grazing on federal land in Colorado took refuge in a cabin, then froze to death or were trapped by cows’ general inability to figure out how to exit things, reports the AP. Now their carcasses are 1,000-pound blocks of frozen meat, and rangers aren’t sure how to dislodge them.

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So they’re going to blow them up.

“Obviously, time is of the essence because we don’t want them defrosting,” [said Forest Service spokesman Steve Segin].

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The other options include using a helicopter to haul out the cows and, I am not making this up, burning down the cabin.

Blowing up animals in remote areas is a surprisingly common tool of forest rangery, apparently.

“We’ve used them as a means of disposal to remove dead horses, elk and other animals in areas where it’s impossible to get them out,” [said Segin].