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The Senate is finally getting to work on climate legislation, months after the House passed its own bill. Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) are pushing forward their Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act.
Do your senators support the bill, and action against climate change in general? Help us find out! Send a message like this to your two U.S. senators (here’s a list of senators and their contact info), then post their replies below in comments or email them to us.
Dear Sen. __________:
I am writing to learn more about your views on the critical issue of global climate change, and specifically on the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act, sponsored by Sens. John Kerry and Barbara Boxer.
Do you agree with the scientific community’s consensus view that climate change is primarily driven by human activities? If so, will you be supporting the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act? Are there changes that you would like to see made to the bill?
If you don’t plan to support the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act, what other legislation or action are you calling for to address the challenge of climate change?
Finally, will you encourage President Obama to ensure that the United States plays a leading role in the upcoming round of global climate negotiations in Copenhagen in December? And do you believe the United States should join other nations in an international treaty that sets firm caps on emissions of global-warming gases?
Thank you in advance for your answers.
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