Looks like blue is the new green around here — blue as in sad, that is. In the last week or so, Washington state legislature failed to pass the Transit Oriented Communities bill , “mortally wounded ” the cap-and-trade bill , and is seriously considering altering the voter-approved Initiative 937 that would require utilities to seek out more renewable energy sources . Thanks, sucky economy! But before you drown your sorrows in PBR, consider the potential of a “B.C.-to-Baja green highway ” or an army of residential rooftop wind turbines . If those proposals can weasel their way through Olympia, that is …
Save it: Read more about Initiative 937, then contact your Senator to share your thoughts .Vote it: Cast your ballot for a Seattle inventor’s rooftop wind turbine design in Google’s “Project 10 to the 100th” contest.
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