From our sports department a press release, we learn that at least one online gambling site is taking bets on whether BP’s underwater mega-dome will be successful.

BP is attempting an unprecedented engineering feat to deal with the Gulf oil spill: a 100-ton, 40-foot-tall, steel pollution-containment chamber. If all goes well, the dome will be lowered over the leak on the ocean floor and will capture the oil so it can be pumped up to the surface. has put together odds on what will happen:

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IT WILL REDUCE THE FLOW BY 80 PERCENT           +100                    

WILL REDUCE THE FLOW BY LESS THAN 80 PERCENT         -500                     

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IT WILL STOP THE LEAK ALL TOGETHER    +1000                  

IT WILL MAKE THE LEAK WORSE                 +500                    

[The +/- Indicates the Return on the Wager. The percentage is the likelihood that response will occur. For Example: Betting on the candidate least likely to win would earn the most amount of money, should that happen.]

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