Backstreetboys.comPress release of the week:
The Backstreet Boys join popular hard rock band KORN to boycott the purchase of BP oil. Currently on a 35+ North American tour in support of their new album, THIS IS US, BSB promises to embark on a BP free tour.
“I’m devastated by what I’ve seen first hand and on the news” says Nick Carter. “I’ve always been a marine activist and seeing pictures of oil-covered animals breaks my heart.”
“We just played Biloxi last week and I have to tell you people are really worried down there. This boycott is about making a statement, letting people know how we feel and to stand for something,” states Brian Littrell.
Both Backstreet Boys and KORN urge other touring musicians to join their boycott.
Sorry, gentlemen, boycotting BP won’t help. It’ll just send gas money to other nasty companies, like Exxon, of Valdez fame, or Shell, which spills more oil in Nigeria every year than a month’s worth of Gulf gushing. There’s no clean oil.
But it’s good to know Nick Carter has “always been a marine activist.” And is KORN a “popular” hard rock band? I don’t keep up with these things.
We’re still looking for some pop stars to unite behind real solutions like transit-oriented development, walkable neighborhoods, and high-speed rail. There’s got to be a song there, yeah?
(Hat tip to alert and savvy music writer Troy Reimink for the tip.)
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