John Bryson, Obama's new pick for commerce secretary, is a dyed-green-in-the-wool environmentalist (he co-founded NRDC), who's taken a swing through the corporate world.

The U.N. carbon market shrunk for the first time since it was founded in 2005. Who's to blame? The U.S. Senate, of course! (Well, among others, but we have the most fun pinning stuff on the Senate.)

The Keystone pipeline is spilling Canadian oil all over states like North Dakota and Kansas. Okay, this time, you CAN blame Canada.

More bad weather news: As the Missouri River floods in South Dakota, evacuating residents are being told they be out of their homes for two months, or longer.

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New York's attorney general is suing the federal government for failing to regulate proposed hydrofracking in the Delaware River Basin. And Texas did something right for a change: Its legislature passed a bill requiring the disclosure of fracking chemicals.

No Impact Man was right: being green means being a geek and carrying around a cup and fork at all times (or, our preference, just eating everything with your hands). According to a new study, biodegradable cups and utensils are releasing methane as they break down in landfills. Of course this news comes out AFTER all the Memorial Day picnics.