As certified genius Mitch Hedberg once said, when someone hands you a flyer on the street, it's like they're saying "here, YOU throw this away." But the panda-suited chuggers in this World Wildlife Fund leaflet campaign are saying "here, YOU read this on your way up the escalator where it will be collected by another panda and distributed to the next person who will then bring it back down the escalator to be re-collected and re-distributed by the original panda." It's a little more complicated, but it involves a lot less waste.
Of course, WWF's claim of running the "greenest" leaflet campaign ignores the fact that most of the 285,142 people they reached only saw the video on the internet. So that's more than 285,000 computers running, not to mention servers and routers and whatnot. The internet was there already, though, so you might as well make use of it — and there's no question this approach generated less paper waste, at least, than any other campaign with a comparable audience. Plus, it addressed unemployment among pandas.