Enviros are hoping Lisa Jackson, their one stalwart ally high up in the administration, will keep on keeping on, despite the White House's decision to undermine her work on smog regulations.
A Pennsylvania town could vote to ban natural gas drilling.
One organizer of Rio+20, a U.N. summit next year on climate issues, says the conference should split environmentalism away from climate change issues. Basically, he says, we’re at the point where it’s much more important to embrace sustainability and prepare for climate change than it is to resolve the Green vs. Brown faceoff.
New Yorkers may have thought bike opponents in their city were harsh, but the ones in Mexico city are worse: One radio host encouraged motorists to run bikers over. Bikers in the city rallied to protest what a jerk this guy is. As of press time he was still a jerk.
How to recycle a refrigerator. (It's tricky.)