OWS signGot purpose?Photo: Jennifer PredigerIf you’ve been wondering whether, and how, the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protests relate to the environment, events planned for Sunday may offer some answers.

As part of a Climate Justice Day event at New York City’s Zuccotti Park, OWS’s environmental working group is organizing activities, panels and teach-ins on topics ranging from fracking and nuclear energy to clean water and sustainable economics. 

As the writer Naomi Klein put it on a recent call with OWS participants, “Environmental issues are the ultimate expression of the way in which Wall Street is not working.”

Organizers of Sunday’s events aim to help participants draw connections between the economy and the environment — and see the climate crisis as a chance to begin addressing some of the other big problems that are OWS’s focus.

Topics at the event include “Wall St. (Capitalism), and the Roots of the Ecological Crisis,” “The Nuclear Debacle,” “Fossil Fuels,” “Mountaintop Removal & Coal,” “Renewable Energy & Energy Conservation,” and “Eco-Resistance and Environmental Strategies.” Scheduled activities begin at 11 a.m. and can be viewed here.