This article at Seed is astonishing:

At a time when the Earth’s climate is at the top of practically every nation’s agenda, it might seem perplexing that there’s a $100 million, fully completed climate-sensing satellite stored in a warehouse in Maryland … Could the decision to kill DSCOVR have anything to do with the politics of climate science?

The shocking answer after the jump!

“Gore favored it,” says Dr. Park. “This administration is determined that a Gore experiment is not going to happen. It’s inconceivable to me.” Climate analyst Trenbeth said, “It makes no sense to me at all either from an economic or a scientific viewpoint. That leaves politics.”

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So if it hadn’t been enough that a satellite could provide vital data about climate science, it was also something Al Gore wanted. Of course, it had to die a silent death. But it gets even better — and here, remember the satellite is already built and waiting to be launched.

The Ukrainian government offered to launch DSCOVR free of charge, France made a similar offer. But NASA’s response so far has been “no thanks.”

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America’s allies are willing to pay the tab, and Congress is telling them we’re not interested. Nice.