Crossposted from Biodiversivist

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The above Animal Planet video shows a man trying to fend off a rabid fox …with a loaf of bread.

I just spent a week with my family in a cabin on the shore of Brant Lake in the Adirondacks. While walking along a main road my wife and I were met by a guy coming up his driveway with 2 x 4. He said that a pregnant woman had just been bitten by a fox with rabies. She had to hit it with a paddle to get it to let go of her leg. He graciously loaned me his 2 x 4 for the rest of our walk. I found fresh Fox scat on the road.

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The next morning there was fresh fox scat a few feet from our cabin door. A Google search found this article:

Woman attacked by fox near Brant Lake

This got me to wondering how long a rabid fox will live once it reaches this late stage in the disease. Not long I think because I did not see any fresh scat for the rest of the week.

I also didn’t see any bats. The insects were still there, banging on the screen door under the porch light but there was not a bat to be seen, anywhere. Another Google search turned up the reason why:

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Little brown bat could be gone from Northeast in 16 years

They are being wiped out by White Nose fungus.