Oh my goodness:

WASHINGTON, April 26 (UPI) — A U.S. Christian group has grown tired of escalating gasoline prices and is set to stage a national prayer rally to lower the numbers at the pumps.

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Various Christian clergy from around the country will convene around a Washington, D.C., gas station Thursday at noon to pray. For those who can’t attend, a live Internet site and toll-free prayer line have been established.

In a release, the Pray Live group said many people are "overlooking the power of prayer when it comes to resolving this energy crisis."

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Apart from sending a message to God, the rally had a message for humanity, said Wenda Royster, the group’s founder.

"It is our hope that seeing and hearing some of the nation’s most powerful preachers gathered around a gas station and the United States capital as a backdrop, will remind everyone who is really in charge of our world — God," Royster said.

The Web site is at praylive.com. The toll-free phone number is 888-PRAYLIVE.

S’pose it has as much chance of working as this stuff.

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(via EnergyBulletin)