Farmed salmon is coming under fire for the dangers it may pose to human health and the environment. A government study in the U.K. has found that salmon from fish farms is the most contaminated food sold by British supermarkets, beating out all other seafood, as well as meats and vegetables. Every sample of farmed salmon tested in the study contained at least three toxic chemicals. The government researchers concluded that the risk to humans from the “cocktail” of chemicals in the fish was “very small.” But environmentalists think otherwise. On Saturday, they are planning to picket supermarkets in 100 towns across on the country. In Scotland, home to a huge fish farming industry, activist and angler Bruce Sandison, said, “The only way to save Scotland’s remaining West Highlands and Islands wild salmon and sea-trout from extinction, caused by fish farm disease and pollution, is to explain to consumers why they shouldn’t buy fake fish in their supermarkets.”