Bali update: The latest draft of negotiations is said to still contain text saying that developed nations should cut emissions by 25 to 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2020. The U.S., Japan, Canada, and Australia are against said provision, non-binding as it is; it will likely be removed by the end of the week, as final guidelines must be unanimous. The European Union has been pushing a goal of limiting global temperature rise to 2 degrees Fahrenheit, but is highly unlikely to get that into a final document. United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon has arrived in Bali to preside over the final days, stating, “The situation is so desperately serious that any delay could push us past the tipping point, beyond which the ecological, financial, and human costs would increase dramatically.” Said U.S. negotiator Harlan Watson, or at least we wish he had: “Tipping point, shmipping point! Someone bring me a mai tai.”