Fifty Shades of Grey, for the uninitiated, is a madly popular, rather trashy book in which a young woman has an affair with an older businessman. There’s some bondage involved. Many people do not like the book at all. Among those people are the people in charge of Wearside Women in Need, which the BBC describes as “a charity for abuse victims.” The group’s been collecting copies of the book in order to destroy them — by turning them into toilet paper.
Originally, they planned to burn the books, which is not great for the environment, and also makes you look like kind of a fascist. But now the group has a better idea:
We will be cutting them up, using them for toilet roll and sticking them on our compost heap and they will go back into the ground.
The group actually seems like a bunch of annoying scolds — according to the BBC they object to the “themes of sadism and masochism” in the book, and burning an erotic novel (or even wiping with it) just because it’s not your kink is kind of a shitty way to behave. But we still support recycling Fifty Shades of Grey as TP, not because it’s sexy but because it’s thinly disguised Twilight fanfiction that glorifies emotional abuse, and also NOT sexy. In fact, toilet paper may be too good for it.