Each month, we showcase one of our beloved Friends with Benefits — folks who have donated to support our work. Want to take your relationship with Grist to the next level? Just donate any amount to join the fun.

Jeff I., Phoenix, Ariz.
Jeff I.
“Here’s a picture with me and my oldest boy and best friend. I support Grist because I care for his and his brother’s health. Technology has run rampantly past humanity and it’s frightening what capitalism is doing to our earth. I want to be as involved and knowledgeable as I can to teach my boys proper sustainable acts and living. Thanks, Grist!”
You know what they say, Jeff: averting planetary disaster starts at home. Glad we could help!
Already a FWB? Send your photo and 3-4 sentences about you and why you give to Grist to jmacdonald@grist.org. Featured Friends will receive a complimentary Klean Kanteen. Thanks for your support!