Ohio city is latest to hire sustainability manager

Cleveland, Ohio, has joined Seattle, Chicago, Portland, Ore., and other American metropolises (metropoli?) in creating a city-government position focused on going green and saving energy — ideally stimulating job growth in the process. Cleveland’s new “sustainability programs manager,” Andrew Watterson, is getting started with relatively simple and cheap solutions that will show results quickly, such as replacing incandescent light bulbs in city buildings with more efficient and longer-lasting fluorescents and instituting a “no-idling” rule for city trucks running on diesel. He’s also working on energy-conserving options for the roof of Cleveland’s City Hall, including a green-roof proposal. Watterson envisions Cleveland one day becoming one of the cheapest cities in which to do business when it comes to energy costs. “We live in a capitalist society,” Watterson said. “You need to put [your message] in that context.”