There’s lots of talk about hunters and fishers being the original conservationists; the venerable publication Field and Stream seems to be walking that talk. They’ve got a conservation editor now, Bob Marshall, and he’s got a lot to say that’s good to hear.

He writes for the magazine and also has a blog at the magazine’s site, the Green Sportsman, where you can read his opinion pieces calling for action on climate change, celebrating the hope that big oil’s losing its grip on national energy policy, and lauding labor unions and sporting groups for teaming up to aid wildlife.

Say what you like about consumptive use of wildlife, but with these guys talking to their immense and conservative readership about conservation policy that’s good for birds, bucks, and bass, we’re in better shape than we thought. Read his piece on why the roadless rule is key, here, courtesy of grassroots supergroup Campaign for America’s Wilderness.

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