“[T]he President has made dealing with climate change a priority for this administration,” said White House Press Secretary Tony Snow at yesterday’s briefing.

Meanwhile, a German group has ranked 56 nations according to their efforts to fight climate change. Yes, look way down the list [PDF]:  
1 Sweden
2 United Kingdom
3 Denmark
4 Malta
5 Germany
6 Argentina
7 Hungary
8 Brazil
9 India
10 Switzerland
11 Latvia
12 France
13 Romania
14 Iceland
15 Belgium
16 Mexico
17 Lithuania
18 Morocco
19 Portugal
20 Norway
21 Slovakia
22 New Zealand
23 Slovenia
24 Bulgaria
25 Czech Republic
26 Japan
27 Poland
28 Singapore
29 Netherlands
30 Estonia
31 Italy
32 Turkey
33 Ireland
34 Croatia
35 Algeria
36 Finland
37 Belarus
38 Spain
39 Austria
40 Cyprus
41 Greece
42 Russia
43 Indonesia
44 Ukraine
45 Luxembourg
46 South Africa
47 Australia
48 South Korea
49 Iran
50 Thailand
51 Canada
52 Kazakhstan
53 USA
54 China
55 Malaysia
56 Saudi Arabia