Measure in Congress could kill Cape Wind project

The Cape Wind project on Nantucket Sound may soon receive another blow — oh, we’re so funny! — if Congress passes an amendment giving Massachusetts power to veto the controversial wind farm if it would interfere with navigation. Of course, it depends on what the definition of “navigation” is, but Gov. Mitt Romney (R) would likely jump at the chance to kill the project. The measure is a softened version of a more sweeping anti-wind amendment introduced earlier by Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska). Meanwhile, anti-Cape Wind organization Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound is courting donors to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars. A fund-raising guide not meant for publication — whoops! — instructs, “If it is a token gift of $5,000 you should delay acceptance.” But in a speck of good news for Cape Wind, the Massachusetts Audubon Society has decided to give the project preliminary support. So … that’s not really that reassuring.