Bush admin to accept pesticide testing on humans, and in some cases kids

Enviros, public-interest groups, members of Congress, and even some government scientists are criticizing soon-to-be-released U.S. EPA rules on pesticide testing on humans. The regulations — leaked in advance of their formal unveiling, which could happen as soon as this week — would accept tests of pesticides on non-pregnant adults. In most cases the EPA wouldn’t accept data from studies that involve the “intentional pesticide dosing” of children and pregnant women, but manufacturers could still conduct those tests, and the agency could accept the data if it decided it was needed to protect public health. Jeff Ruch, executive director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, says the new regs also wouldn’t rule out tests that expose kids to pesticides without putting the chemicals directly into their systems, like a controversial study, scuttled last year, that would have paid parents to spray pesticides near their children’s beds.