Cape Wind gets state OK, boosting chances it will get built

If you’re not up on the history of the controversial Cape Wind project in Nantucket Sound, here’s the brief version: It’s alive! It’s dead! It’s alive! It’s dead! Repeat. Our news today: It’s alive! Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick’s (D) administration declared Friday that the proposed 130-turbine offshore-wind project would do more environmental good than harm; this will allow the project’s developers to pursue other state permits. The decision is sure to fire up more bitterness between Cape Wind’s advocates, anxious to see movement on a large-scale renewable-energy project, and its opponents, worried about birds, recreation, tourism, and views from oceanfront homes. If all goes well, Cape Wind could start producing as much as 79 percent of the surrounding area’s electricity by 2010. But plenty of potential roadblocks remain, the largest being a comprehensive federal review that’s expected to take much of this year. Stay tuned.