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When we last checked in with C40, the group of cities partnering to address climate issues, they’d just unveiled a fantastic presentation outlining ways in which urban areas could theoretically contribute to greenhouse gas reduction.

Today in Rio, they made that impact concrete. Now boasting 59 cities, the coalition made two announcements.

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New York. (Photo by Christopher Schoenbohm.)

First, that their carbon-reduction policies and initiatives could cut carbon output by a billion tons in 2030 — more than the current output of Mexico and Canada combined. Moreover, the policies already in place will see a 248 million ton drop by 2020. This is a significant reduction, particularly when you consider the 12 gigaton target at hand. The group is well positioned to have such an impact: It represents nearly all of the world’s largest cities, accounting for approximately 14 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Second, they announced an effort in partnership with the World Bank that establishes a solid waste peer-to-peer learning network. As described in the press release:

C40 will establish a new network that will assist local governments in reducing methane emissions through solid waste management. C40’s partners will provide technical assistance to help participating cities develop viable programs and projects that reduce methane gas production, enable access to financing and facilitate sharing across this network of cities for active peer-learning and collaborative work.

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This might just be the future of climate innovation: small adaptations and ad hoc partnerships that produce incremental adjustments. It’s significant, but not as splashy or exciting as a massive international accord.

So how do we get people excited about methane reduction? That’s where the Duran Duran comes in.