Lou Bendrick — who occasionally writes for us — is funny. And she’s got a funny piece up on Orion. It’s about moms and environmentalism and how easy it is to screen it all out.

Let me cultivate my personal female mystique by disclosing that I am the environmental media and I also loathe the environmental media. Just say "photovoltaic" and my eyes start to get heavy; start in about polar bears drowning and I have to go the happy place in my head that involves ponies, chocolate, and George Clooney. Add to this the typical dose of future pessimism found in most environmental reportage (we’ll soon be digging for grubs with a stone spear, you just wait and see!) and blame (that un-recycled peanut butter jar just killed a polar bear cub, damn you!), and you’ll discover that I’m headed to the grocery store to see who made the worst-dressed list at the Oscars.

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It’s a sentiment that might annoy some hardcore Gristies, but it’s obviously pretty widely shared.

(She goes on to say nice things about us, so naturally I find the article brilliant.)