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  • Merchants of Venom

    Liberalized international trade rules could make it harder for the U.S. to bar shipments of toxic waste from other countries, according to new reports released by the Asia Pacific Environmental Exchange and the Earth Justice Legal Defense Fund. Under World Trade Organization agreements that provide for the free movement of goods, toxic waste could be […]

  • Victoria's Secret

    Lake Victoria in eastern Africa, the world’s second-largest freshwater lake, is being indirectly destroyed by deforestation, an international research center said today. Through the use of satellite remote sensing technology, the Kenya-based International Center for Research in Agroforestry found that in areas where trees and other vegetation were removed, a heavier flow of sediments feeds […]

  • Carbon Crappy

    People who breathe the polluted air around Southern California’s freeways have an increased chance of developing cancer, according to a study released today by the South Coast Air Quality Management District. Residents of the congested core of Los Angeles County, which include many minority, low-income people, face the greatest odds in the region of contracting […]

  • Treat Them Whales Right

    A proposal to create a sanctuary for southern right whales off the coast of South Africa is stirring up racial and social tensions in the area. Whales migrate to the region every winter and spring from Antarctica to mate and rear their young, and they are easily observable from land in the town of Hermanus. […]

  • Bonn of Contention

    Environment ministers from around the world wrapped up a round of talks on the Kyoto climate change treaty today in Bonn, Germany, pledging to stick to cuts in greenhouse gas emissions agreed upon in 1997, but failing to decide how to achieve the reductions or how to enforce them. Delegates also failed to reach agreement […]

  • What the Elk?

    Grizzly bears are threatened by hunting outfitters operating just outside the boundaries of Yellowstone National Park, say park ranger Bob Jackson and Utah State University ecologist Barrie Gilbert. Many of the outfitters are violating federal law by setting up artificial salt licks, which they use to lure elk outside park boundaries, where they can be […]

  • Da Enron-run-run Da Enron-run

    Enron has abandoned plans to construct a wind farm 60 miles north of Los Angeles that some enviros argued would imperil the endangered California condor. The National Audubon Society vehemently opposed the planned facility, arguing that it could be a “death trap” for the birds, and Enron said that pressure from the group played a […]

  • Airy, Airy, Brown and Scary, How Does Your Garden Grow?

    Mexico City officials, desperate to cut back on the air pollution that chokes the city, are encouraging citizens to cover their roofs with lightweight soil and plant gardens as a way to help control smog particles. The city has also given approval to a private company to install thousands of three-foot-tall air filter canisters on […]

  • Hey, What's 26 Million Cars Between Friends?

    In what’s being billed as one of the biggest enforcement actions in U.S. history, the federal government yesterday sued seven big electric companies in the Midwest and the South, accusing them of violating clean air rules. The companies own 32 coal-fired power plants in 10 states, and the feds say they have been upgrading the […]

  • Australian for "Dirty"

    Australia has bumped the U.S. out of the way and assumed the dubious distinction of the world’s worst per capita greenhouse gas polluter, according to an analysis of U.N. statistics by the Australia Institute, a left-leaning research group. On a per capita basis, Australia now emits 25 percent more carbon dioxide than the U.S. and […]