I admit it — the vestigial high school girl in me loves celebrity gossip. Still, I can’t help but cringe in sympathy every time the tabloids metaphorically draw and quarter some poor, stylistically challenged starlet for mismatching her bag and shoes or stepping out of her house in sweat pants on a Sunday morning. I happen to be a major fan of sweat pants on Sunday mornings. In fact, if I had the eff-you fortitude to walk down to my local coffee shop in pajama bottoms, I would.

That said, I’m happy to see that the paparazzi and their tabloid-blogging brethren occasionally use their negatory powers for good and not evil. Case in point: TMZ.com recently caught Jeremy Piven (star of that HBO homage to over-consumption Entourage) first complimenting a paparazzo on her choice of a fossil-fuel-saving bicycle, then blithely climbing into his own fossil-fuel-devouring SUV. Title of the pithy expose: “Jeremy Piven — Gas-Guzzling Hypocrite?”

You can see the caught-on-tape irony in all its glory here.

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