In his victory speech after triumphing in the South Carolina Democratic primary on Saturday, Barack Obama called on Americans to come together to make “energy cleaner” — but environmental issues weren’t a notable factor in the state’s contest. Green concerns are more visible in Florida, where Republicans are currently duking it out in advance of Tuesday’s primary there. On Sunday, campaigning in the state, Mitt Romney bashed John McCain‘s Senate climate-change bill, claiming it would put a “financial burden” on Americans and kill 300,000 jobs. But McCain got a boost this weekend when he won the endorsement of Florida’s popular and climate-conscious governor, Charlie Crist. “I’m honored and privileged,” McCain said. “And I intend to work very closely with [Crist] on the issues. … We are going to have to work together to save the Everglades and other great environmental treasures of this state.” McCain sounded less green in last week’s GOP debate, in which he double-talked his way through an explanation of his climate bill.