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If you call Seattle home, we’ve got news for you …

First things first: Howdy, neighbor! Grist is based in Seattle, too. Sure, we’ve got our political reporter in D.C. and an organic farmer in N.C., but most of us live and work — and try to be as green as we can be — within spitting distance of the Space Needle (relatively speaking, that is).

That’s why we’ve launched Grist Local: Seattle, a weekly email featuring event listings, sustainable business profiles, and other news about the green scene in the Emerald City. You can get it zapped straight to your inbox every Wednesday for the low, low price of free! (And worth every penny.)

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In fact, if you sign up now, you’ll get your very first Grist Local email bright and early tomorrow (fresh off the presses). Here’s a sneak peak:

Party like it’s 1974

Buffalo Exchange logoGot a closet full of fashionable frocks and accessories that you just don’t wear anymore? Oh, give them a home where the buffalo roam (and the deer and the antelope play): Drop them off at Buffalo Exchange, where you’ll get cash on the spot or trade-in value for new-to-you merch. This isn’t your traditional thrift store, though — not just any bag o’ crap will do; Buffalo Exchange buyers sort through your duds to deem them do’s or don’ts, which means your shopping cart is full of only the chicest recycled garb. This Saturday, Buffalo Exchange celebrates its 35th birthday with giveaways, refreshments, and more.

Plan it: The 35th birthday events are Saturday, Jan. 17, at both the Seattle and Bellingham locations. The Seattle store is open Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m.-8 p.m. and Sun. 11 a.m.-7 p.m.; the Bellingham store is open Mon.-Sat. 11 a.m.-7 p.m. and Sun. noon-6 p.m.
Map it: The Seattle store is located at 4530 University Way N.E., Seattle, Wash. The Bellingham store is located at 1209 N. State St., Bellingham, Wash.
Bag it: Just last month, Buffalo Exchange made a switch to compostable bioplastic bags for customer purchases, but if you bring your own, you can help out local nonprofit agencies — like the Whatcom Humane Society — through their Tokens for Bags program.

Grist thanks its sponsors. Become one.

Check out Grist Local’s new Facebook page, too. It’s chock full of event invites, news links, YouTube videos, and Flickr pics. Become a fan to join in a discussion, post an event of your own, comment on our wall, and find out who else is a fan. (That’s really why you joined Facebook, isn’t it?)

While you’re at it, log in to Flickr and join the Grist Local: Seattle group, where you can post your own pics of all things local — your favorite hangout, a delicious dish, a good time at a green event, etc.

And if you’ve got a rant or rave to share with readers, send your thoughts our way and we may feature your reviews in a Grist Local email.

Not in Seattle? Not a problem. We’ve got all kinds of content available in digestible email bites — from eco-advice to the latest in political goings-on. Plus an international community of readers on Facebook — join them!