In the two weeks since the Sierra Club launched our Obama Climate and Clean Energy Legacy campaign, Sierra Club volunteers, chapters, organizers, and allies have held more than 30 inspiring (and fun!) launch events nationwide. The events they organized from coast to coast kick off 100 Days of Action, from the Inauguration to Earth Day, calling on President Obama to take bold action on the many climate and clean energy decisions before his Administration in his second term.

From Owensboro, Kentucky to Olympia, Washington and from happy hours to Martin Luther King Jr. Day marches, a movement is growing. Each day I am inspired when I hear about all the great work everyone is doing to engage people across the country in our climate and clean energy agenda for the President.

I’d like to highlight some of the awesome events that have taken place so far in our 100 Days of Action for Climate and Clean Energy.

VA movie
Virginia: In Norfolk, more than 300 people (the line is pictured above) attended a screening of the documentary Chasing Ice and then stayed after to discuss climate disruption and what can be done.

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Minnesota: In Minneapolis, a packed room of climate volunteer leaders and allies from faith and local groups met over breakfast to kick off a joint 100 days of action and plan upcoming actions and events.
Climate rally texas
Texas: A crowd of Texas Sierra Club volunteers participated in the Austin Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration march and festival. They carried a banner that read, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy,” (see above photo) a King quote and call to President Obama to do more on climate.

At the festival, the marchers also collected handwritten letters to President Obama from children and adults alike asking him to take action on climate.

Colorado: On Saturday, January 19, the Colorado Beyond Coal Campaign hosted a Climate and Clean Energy Legacy Happy Hour in Denver to kick-off the Legacy Campaign.  More than 20 folks came by to learn about the campaign and enjoy a beer, with many of them expressing an interest in doing further work with the Sierra Club on pushing for climate action and more clean energy.

Georgia: More than 20 volunteers marched in the Atlanta MLK Day parade calling for clean air, climate justice, and a clean energy economy for Georgia by chanting “Coal power, we gotta fight, ’cause clean air is a human right!”
Philadelphia house party climate legacy2
Pennsylvania: Activists in Philadelphia have held six events so far — including two house parties (one photographed above) to discuss upcoming climate actions, to a happy hour for interested volunteers, and events with the Sierra Student Coalition on the Drexel University campus to get students involved.

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I think my favorite event so far, though, might be the amazing “Tell Your Story” party in Inland Empire, California. Participants produced an amazing video of them telling stories about how climate disruption affects people in the city:

The 100 Days of Action continues, with many more events to come. We encourage to you contact your local Sierra Club chapter or organizer to see if there’s an event coming up near you — or organize your own!

President Obama took the first step by inviting the community to a conversation around climate disruption — now it’s up to us to respond and show the president it’s time to act.