The Ecologist is such a great magazine. But I’m sorry that they don’t make any of their content freely available online for me to link to here, because the Dec/Jan issue has some really important reading. For one, the world’s first (human) climate refugees are about to lose their islands (in the Sunderbans Delta, which straddles the border of India and Bangladesh and is the world’s largest mangrove forest, due to increased flows of water from melting glaciers in the Ganges headwaters).

There’s also a meaty discussion about the possible negative health effects of Wi-Fi. Whether or not Wi-Fi microwaves actually cause headaches, sleep disturbance, depression, memory loss, and worse, as some studies claim, it is pretty remarkable — according to a physicist interviewed for the piece — that this technology could come to market and become ubiquitous without having to undergo safety trials or scrutiny.