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  • The Dude's a Hazard

    Officials at the Republican governors association have been talking a lot lately about Montana Gov. Marc Racicot (pronounced Roscoe, as in Rosco P. Coltrane of Dukes of Hazzard fame), touting him as a hot candidate for media interviews. Racicot is not exactly a household name and generally doesn’t stir much excitement in the bellies of […]

  • Old McDonald Had an Image Makeover

    Sales of organic food in Britain rose 40 percent in the last year, driven by consumer concern about genetically modified food and mad cow disease, according to a report by market research firm Mintel. More than 70 percent of Britons have purchased organic products, reflecting the fact that the organic industry has shed its “beard […]

  • God Love 'Em

    Ministers, rabbis, and other religious leaders in Oregon are kicking off a campaign to combat global warming, the first of 17 statewide efforts across the nation that aim to wed religion and environmental protection. The campaign urges churches to install more energy-efficient lighting and heating systems and encourages congregations to lobby politicians to support efforts […]

  • Still One Wild and Crazy President

    As one of his last major public land initiatives, Pres. Clinton is preparing to designate up to a dozen areas in the West as national monuments, with the aim of protecting the wild lands from commercial development and recreational overuse. Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt said the administration has decided to act because Congress has failed […]

  • Green Houses Are a Gas

    Developers have built 3,500 “green” homes in Colorado during the past two years, more than $1 billion worth, making Colorado the top green building state. Colorado kicked off the nation’s only statewide green building program in March 1997 and has assembled a task force that is raising money for public education and hopes to launch […]

  • J. Crud

    The U.S. catalog industry last year produced 17 billion catalogs, or 64 for each American, and used 3.35 million tons of paper, more than 12 percent of all the printing and writing paper produced in the country, according to a study by the Alliance for Environmental Innovation, an initiative of the Environmental Defense Fund and […]

  • Waiting for WTO

    The high priests of free trade are getting nervous. Corporate and government officials from the 134 nations that belong to the World Trade Organization (WTO) have long planned to meet in Seattle at the end of this month to negotiate the next round of global trade rules. Now they discover that thousands of angry citizens […]

  • Tibet-er Late Than Never

    After years of clashes between poor Tibetans trying to make a living from the land and foreign environmentalists trying to save forests, conservation groups and agencies like the U.N. Development Program have begun working with local Tibetan authorities to wipe out poverty in an ecologically sound manner. Future Generations, a U.S. conservation group, has entered […]

  • They're Going Through a Phase — You Know, Hormones

    Biotechnology advocates and opponents squared off yesterday in Chicago at the first of three public debates on genetically modified foods being hosted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The hearing was highly structured, and most of the daylong session was devoted to discussions by panels that appeared heavily weighted with members who favor the […]