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Articles by Adam Browning

Adam Browning is the executive director of Vote Solar.

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  • Solar wars

    Note to utilities: solar is popular with your customers.  Earlier in the month in Colorado, Xcel proposed a scheme to charge their customers who install a solar installation an extra fee.  After 5 days of intense public outcry, they withdrew the plan.  For now. And in New Mexico, Public Service of New Mexico  (the largest […]

  • Solar is getting cheap

    Much of the rhetoric against energy legislation of any kind—and at any level—centers on cost.  So advocates spend a lot of time explaining why continuing with the status quo is not a low cost option: clean(er) coal is not cheap, and nukes are really expensive.  To say nothing of terraforming Mars. The other half of […]

  • Renewable energy is more exciting than cap-and-trade!

    I’ve long thought that the message framing around renewable energy is much more appealing (Let’s make clean energy cheaper!  Build the industries of the future!  Cool technology and jobs for everyone!  It’ll be like the dotcom boom all over again!  But without the dumb names!) than that of carbon cap-and-trade (Let’s put a price on […]

  • Yes, green jobs do exist and are good for the economy

    Remember that transparently hackjob Spanish report titled “Green jobs are like negative jobs, only worse” (or something) that made the rounds of the fossil lobby (in and out of Congress) earlier in the year?  The one that George Will thought worthy of bringing to the nation’s attention the same week the House voted on Waxman-Markey? […]