Articles by Adam Browning
Adam Browning is the executive director of Vote Solar.
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Cap-and-trade has ugly local effects
Because there is always a short end of the cap-and-trade stick, the concern about concentrating emissions is not theoretical:
Kids these days
Seriously. These guys recharge their electric mowers with solar panels on top of their vans.
Crazy kids. What will they come up with next?
Hard sell? Maybe not
Last week, The New York Times published an article that rhetorically posed this question: If the 11 coal-fired power plants proposed by TXU are kaput, and the state continues to experience record growth, where is the new energy going to come from?
The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy has one answer: energy efficiency.
We've got another: Solar. And we have a plan to make it happen. My colleague JP Ross is the primary drafter of legislation for a $500 million solar program, enough to jumpstart the state's solar industry and turn the fossil fuel state on to the renewable energy path. It's been introduced as HB 2226 by Representative Coleman, and Sen. Rodney Ellis filed a companion bill in the Senate.