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Articles by Amanda Little

Amanda Little is author of Power Trip: The Story of America's Love Affair with Energy. She is a contributor to Bloomberg Businessweek and a writer-in-residence in the English department at Vanderbilt University, where she teaches investigative journalism and creative nonfiction.

All Articles

  • EPA program offers carrots to polluters and takes away sticks, enviros say

    A U.S. EPA program that’s supposed to give recognition and flexibility to companies that are good environmental citizens may in fact be giving a free pass to some firms that are heavy polluters and even lawbreakers, according to a coalition of environmentalists. Come and get it! Photo: Clipart. The agency’s voluntary Performance Track program — […]

  • Mass. lawmakers pushing to join climate pact, despite Romney’s objections

    A handful of Massachusetts legislators are maneuvering to get their state into the most ambitious U.S. effort yet to fight global warming, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, launched in late December. If they succeed, it’ll be a smarting wallop for Gov. Mitt Romney (R), who is widely expected to run for a spot on the […]

  • RFK Jr. and other prominent enviros face off over Cape Cod wind farm

    A long-simmering disagreement within the environmental community over a plan to build a massive wind farm off the coast of Cape Cod, Mass., is now boiling over into a highly public quarrel. The future of Nantucket Sound? Photo: NREL. The four-year-old battle started heating up last summer when Greenpeace USA staged a demonstration against well-known […]

  • Enviros plot to beat Pombo in November

    Just a week into this election year and already environmental strategists are up to their elbows in plots to snatch Congress from the grip of anti-environment GOP leaders and turn it over to a conservation-minded majority. Leaders of green groups including the Sierra Club and Defenders of Wildlife are hatching plans to help political allies […]