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Articles by Brad Johnson

Brad Johnson is the political director of Climate Hawks Vote.

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  • Durban dispatch: Climate deniers rip Tutu

    Canadian climate deniers gave Archbishop Desmond Tutu flack for speaking out against Canada’s oil sands.Photo: Greater Tacoma Community FoundationCross-posted from ThinkProgress Green. Activists used hundreds of LED emergency lights to spell “climate fail” across the Canadian Parliament lawn in huge, illuminated letters to send Prime Minister Stephen Harper the message that he must listen to […]

  • Durban dispatch: Canada blames Canada

    Cross-posted from ThinkProgress Green. The Canadian Youth Delegation has publicly apologized for the actions of the Canadian government and their negotiators at Durban, publishing an apology letter in a local newspaper. The Persian Gulf nation of Qatar, which has the highest per-capita greenhouse gas emissions in the world, has been selected as the site of […]

  • Global warming hates the Ohio State Buckeyes

    Cross-posted from ThinkProgress Green. This Saturday’s Crankshaft cartoon took on global warming, noting that climate change is threatening Ohio’s iconic buckeye trees, the namesake of the Ohio State Buckeyes. “Once it starts to affect football, they’ll get moving on climate change,” one character says: As greenhouse pollution from oil and coal continues to build, the […]

  • Announcement of alternate tar-sands pipeline sends Midwest oil prices surging

    Cross-posted from ThinkProgress Green. After the spiking of the Keystone XL pipeline by the Obama administration, the tar-sands industry moved quickly to open an alternate route from Canada to Gulf Coast refineries. With the announcement of the pipeline deal, U.S. oil prices spiked, on the expectation that Canadian tar-sands crude would no longer be locked […]