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Articles by Chad Nelsen

Dr. Chad Nelsen is CEO of Surfrider Foundation, the largest grassroots organization dedicated to coastal and ocean protection. Find him @chadenelsen.

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In February, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Ed Markey introduced a resolution to Congress calling for an ambitious re-imagining of the U.S. economy — one that would tackle both climate change and inequality. Now with 94 co-sponsors in the House, 12 in the Senate, and broad support among Democratic presidential hopefuls, this vision is called the  Green New Deal.

The Green New Deal resolution spans energy, transportation, farming, health care, and employment. But there’s a key piece that’s been overlooked: the ocean. The ocean is one of our nation’s greatest resources — not just for recreation and seafood, but also for mitigating climate change.

As a marine biologist, a conservation leader, and an ocean farmer, we all believe that the ocean can go from unsung solution to policy cornerstone. To make that happen, the United States will have to do four things: 1. restore and protect coastal ecosystems; 2. invest in renewable offshore energy; 3. bolster the “blue economy;” and 4. vastly expand regenerative ocean farming.

Let’s run through that list in more detail:

First, re-plant and re-green our coastlines. This should be core to the ... Read more