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Articles by Chris Schults

Web Developer for PCC Natural Markets

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  • Current TV is seeking enviro videos for Earth Day

    I was browsing the Current TV studio blog this morning and came across this:

    Earth Day is right around the corner. Now is the time to start making environment-focused pods. I know that I would personally love to see more pieces made about the sustainable solutions people are proposing in all aspects of industry -- from furniture and houses made from recycled or "upcycled" materials to new, regional farming methods that use fewer natural resources. Bring it on. And upload it to Current Earth.

    But please, no more composting toilet pieces. (Sorry dharmadogpictures, I do love your other work!)

  • I heart …

    This morning Grist received this wonderful valentine from reader Bo B.:

    Our affair's been strung across eleven months -- wherein we've shared bellied-laughs, melancholic sighs, and the blooming of recommitance and fresh passion. I owe much of my current-outlook's levity to y'all and yours. On this day it struck me that it was time I said as much.

    SO: I heart you, Grist. Happy Valentine's Day.

    Likewise, Bo. Likewise.

    So, on this Valentine's Day, feel free to use this space to let us know of other deserving organizations, people, ecosystems, etc. that you'd like to express your feelings toward.

    Love is in the air. Can you feel it?

  • GarbageScout

    Freegans and Freecycle fans might enjoy the latest Google mashup: GarbageScout. Think Google maps, mobile phones, and free stuff in the garbage.

    Here's the skinny:

    New York City's streets are full of interesting and potentially useful things that have been thrown out.

    If you see something good, snap a picture of it with your camera phone, and email it to GarbageScout. It will go up on the home page and others can go and get it.

    This will reduce landfill, save people money, and clean up the streets.

    (Via WC)

  • Hazel Wolf Environmental Film Festival

    Are you an aspiring filmmaker hoping to have your work reviewed by Grist one day? Or perhaps you love watching movies about your favorite subject: the environment! If so, the 8th Annual Hazel Wolf Environmental Film Festival will be taking place March 23 - 26 in Leavenworth, WA.

    For a sense of what this year's event will be like, you can watch a video, consisting of footage from previous festivals.