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Articles by Chris Schults

Web Developer for PCC Natural Markets

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  • The Sierra Club’s singing bears

    I've never been to Yellowstone, but I'm pretty sure the bears don't sing -- and they certainly don't look like this.

    Regardless, you can sign the Sierra Club's petition to help keep Yellowstone's grizzlies on the Endangered Species List.

  • Enough is enough!

    First melting polar ice caps. Then rising coastal waters. And then super storms. But enough is enough. Now, my Kentucky Bourbon is in jeopardy!

    (Via TH)


    All films by Participant Productions are accompanied by a "campaign" and campaign website. So too with An Inconvenient Truth, a documentary that "weaves the science of global warming with Mr. Gore's personal history and lifelong commitment to reversing the effects of global climate change."

    As Dave mentioned, An Inconvenient Truth is debuting at Sundance this month, where I expect viewers to be directed to Here we find the ubiquitous carbon-footprint calculator, ways you can make a difference, information about the campaign and movie, and a list of scientific advisors that includes Rosina Bierbaum, Eric Chivian, Henry Kelly, James McCarthy, Mario Molina, Michael Oppenheimer, Ellen Thompson, and Lonnie Thompson.

  • Can environmentalism be sexy, hip, and fun?

    By the looks of this party, I say hell yeah! What am I talking about? ICInyc. From the press release [PDF]:

    On January 25th, 2006 New York's eco-conscious elite will descend on the trendy LES hotspot Libation for a party held by ICInyc. The first party of its kind, ICInyc will bring these eco-chic revelers together for a simple purpose; to show the rest of the world that being fabulous and easy on the planet are one and the same.


    The future-forward set is hungry for an ultra chic venue that speaks to its consciousness. ICInyc ("ici" is French for "here"), a roving celebration of front line visionaries blending fashion, design, media and the arts with the modest task of saving the planet, fills the void. "We created ICInyc as a spectacle, experiment and gathering place for the growing number of fashionable, design-savvy, eco-conscious urban dwellers," says Charles Heckman, one of the masterminds behind the event.

    And eco-fashion (for the life of me I don't know why Grist hasn't interviewed her yet) hottie Summer Rayne Oakes should be in attendance.

    And by the looks of the press list, this might be a serious event.

    (Via TH)