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Articles by David Roberts

David Roberts was a staff writer for Grist. You can follow him on Twitter, if you're into that sort of thing.

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  • Newt Gingrich will never be president; I will never stop loving this video

    Remember Al Gore’s “We” campaign on climate change? Boy that was a game-changer, wasn’t it? Sigh. However, it did leave us with at least one delightful cultural curio, namely this commercial with Nancy Pelosi and Newt Gingrich sitting on a couch, talking nice about climate change: I never get tired of it! Newt Gingrich will […]

  • Renewables in the U.S.: Growing fast, but not fast enough

    Last month, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) released the “2010 Renewable Energy Data Book” [PDF], which is a cornucopia of charts, facts, and figures on energy use in the U.S. The top-line conclusion for climate hawks is familiar: Renewable energy is growing rapidly, but not rapidly enough; it remains a small fraction of overall […]

  • Luck and gratitude

    At this time of year I am always keenly aware of my good fortune. In particular, I am aware the huge role that sheer chance has played in the most pivotal episodes of my life. I met my wife because I went to a bar one random weeknight with my friend Peter, who was being […]

  • Why brown spin keeps beating green spin

    Spin it, baby, spin it.Photo: Sinan CeylanOne of the perennial complaints of the green community is that the Beltway — the ecosystem of politicians, staffers, lobbyists, NGOs, and media that influence federal policy in D.C. — is dominated by what I guess you’d call the brown community: fossil-fuel lobbyists, conservative think tanks, and politicians who, […]