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Articles by David Roberts

David Roberts was a staff writer for Grist. You can follow him on Twitter, if you're into that sort of thing.

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  • Utilities are trying to pull off the scam of the decade

    I’m technically on vacation, but there’s an extremely important fight going on in the background right now so I want to weigh in, even at the risk of irritating my long-suffering family. Here’s the deal: Right now, two things are happening in parallel. The first is getting all the attention, but the second is, in […]

  • Me, on the Rachel Maddow Show

    I was on the Rachel Maddow Show last night. While Maddow herself is reporting from Afghanistan and Iraq, the show is being guest hosted by Chris Hayes, political editor at The Nation. Here’s the bit: [vodpod id=ExternalVideo.1012193&w=425&h=350&fv=launch%3D38159001%26width%3D400%26height%3D320] As to the substance, I’d add one thing. Chris frames the bill in the Senate as one designed […]

  • Me, on the Mike Malloy show

    Yesterday, I went on the Mike Malloy show, which was being guest-hosted by Brad Friedman of BradBlog and Green News Report fame. I was on to explain the basics of cap-and-trade and defend it from attacks. That, apparently, is my lot in life. Here’s the first segment (you’ll have to fast forward to about 11:15): […]

  • Do enviros need to reassess their big-picture climate strategy?

    Yesterday, I asked seven of Grist’s favorite journos and wonks what policies reformers should focus on this year now that chances for a cap-and-trade bill appear dim. Read their answers. Today, they grapple with a broader question.  Our panel: Michael Levi, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations Amanda Little, Grist alumnus and author […]