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Articles by David Roberts

David Roberts was a staff writer for Grist. You can follow him on Twitter, if you're into that sort of thing.

All Articles

  • ‘Collective hypnosis or hysteria’ on natural gas

    Renewable Energy Magazine has a fantastic two-part interview with Michael Liebreich, the founder of New Energy Finance. (Part one; part two.) I guess I’ve just gotten accustomed to reading stupid, ideological crap about clean energy, so when I run across an informed, balanced perspective, I get unreasonably excited. Anyway, read the whole thing, but there’s […]

  • My Earth Day wish: A better human brain

    For Earth Day, Treehugger asked several green types what one wish they had that might make the world a better place. David Roberts would change the human brain.

  • And yet more travel!

    April’s been an insane month for me. I gave an hour-long talk on climate at the Monterey Institute (which featured my first-ever PowerPoint presentation!), which I believe was recorded and might be available some time soon (assuming I don’t watch it and decide to delete all copies). Then I went to Pierson College at Yale […]

  • U.S. cleantech support about to fall off a cliff

    Federal funding for clean technology is poised to dry up by the end of 2014. What new and better investments should we be making in cleantech? A new report has some great ideas.