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  • Chew on This

    Mattel, the world’s largest toymaker (think hourglass Barbies and those fun-to-chew-on Fisher-Price figures), has announced that it will begin a major push to make its plastic toys from more environmentally friendly, organically based materials such as oils and starches. The new materials would replace polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and a controversial group of chemicals called phthalates […]

  • Kiwis Greener

    Victories this week by the New Zealand Green Party, which has won seats in Parliament for the first time, have temporarily thrown the country’s fledgling center-left coalition into flux. The coalition had expected to win a majority of seats, but now has to count on Green support to exert control. The six victorious Greens toasted […]

  • OK Coral

    The controversial oil drilling platform Brent Spar has become home to large quantities of healthy coral, according to a study published today in the journal Nature. The colonies are a long way from forming coral reefs, but the findings indicate that dismantling rigs after they are decommissioned may not be the most environmentally sound solution, […]

  • Baywatch

    The states making up the Chesapeake Bay watershed yesterday pledged to cut back runoff of nutrients and sediments into the bay so sharply that it will be removed from the federal “dirty water” list within 10 years. Maryland Gov. Parris Glendening (D) said that if the states reach the goal to surpass Clean Water Act […]