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  • Byrds of a Feather Flock Together

    Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) rallied more than 500 miners outside the Capitol yesterday, complaining that the White House had backed off on its support for a rider that would let strip mining continue on West Virginia mountaintops. A federal judge ruled last month that the controversial “mountaintop removal” mining technique, which uses explosives to take […]

  • The Yellow Haze of Texas

    GOP presidential frontrunner George W. Bush boasts about a law he signed in Texas earlier this year that set voluntary pollution standards for old industrial plants, saying he has done more than any previous Texas governor to clean up industry. But enviros and even federal officials say the new law is far too lax to […]

  • Checkin' of the Sea

    Enviros are launching campaigns to help seafood eaters know which species they ought to avoid and which they can devour without too much guilt. The Natural Resources Defense Council and SeaWeb mounted a successful push last year against the consumption of swordfish because of its declining populations; many restaurants responded by dropping swordfish from their […]

  • Jumpin' Dam Bash, It's a Gas Gas Gas

    In what will be the largest dam removal effort in California, Pacific Gas & Electric announced yesterday that it plans to demolish five small but significant dams on a Northern California stream in an attempt to save endangered salmon runs. Federal and state governments will pay $27 million to help remove the dams, PG&E will […]