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  • Yucky Truckies

    Government regulators are planning to clamp down on diesel trucks, buses, and other vehicles, which make up only 2.5 percent of vehicles on the road but account for 26 percent of nitrogen oxides and up to 70 percent of soot in urban air. Federal rules permit diesel vehicles to emit much more pollution than standard […]

  • Stop Your Blubbering

    Norway, which since 1986 has flouted an international ban on commercial whaling, has stockpiled about 500 tons of blubber from thousands of minke whales, which it hopes to someday sell to the Japanese. The Japanese consider the blubber to be a delicacy, but its sale abroad is outlawed by the Convention on International Trade in […]

  • Hyperlinks Save Lynx

    Last-minute gifts from technology millionaires and others throughout Washington state have helped raise enough money to spare a major wilderness area along the U.S.-Canadian border from logging. Donations of $3 million have come in during the last week, making a total of $13.1 million that enviros have raised to buy logging rights to 25,000 acres […]

  • Wave Bye-Bye

    If climate change continues unchecked, it could destroy the world’s great coral reefs within a century, according to a new report conducted by German and Australian marine scientists and released by Greenpeace. A rise in water temperature of just one or two degrees stresses coral and causes it to expel its life-giving microscopic zooxanthellae plants, […]