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  • Park and Ride

    Officials in Grand Canyon National Park recently broke ground on a new light-rail system that will completely change transportation inside the park, cutting vehicle traffic by 80 percent. Once the system is completed, most visitors will be required to leave their cars in a lot well outside the park and enter by light-rail; once inside […]

  • It's for the Birds

    More than 2000 acres of coastal wetlands surrounded by development in the San Diego area were designated a federal wildlife refuge last week. The new South San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge — the result of 20 years of work by enviros, community groups, and governments — will protect a critical stopping ground for migratory […]

  • Hey You, Take That Back

    European automakers are up in arms over a bill that would require them to take back and recycle old cars. A draft of the bill was expected to be approved next week by environment ministers from the 15 EU countries, but lobbying by automakers may hold up the process. The measure would force car manufacturers […]

  • Tick-ing Time Bomb

    Global warming could cause a big increase in insect-borne diseases in Europe, according to a new World Health Organization report published in the British Medical Journal. As temperatures rise and precipitation and humidity increase, disease-carrying pests such as ticks, mosquitoes, and rats could expand their ranges and bring malaria, lyme disease, and other illnesses.