Articles by Grist staff
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Bigger Ain't Better
If all 68 million sport utility vehicles, minivans, and pickup trucks in the U.S. met the current 27.5 mile-per-gallon standard for cars, oil consumption in the U.S. would have been reduced by 336 million barrels in 1997, or 11 percent of the nation’s crude oil imports, according to a new study by the U.S. Public […]
Eagles Eye Recovery
The bald eagle has made such a striking comeback that the Clinton administration will propose around the Fourth of July that the national symbol be removed from the endangered species list. The eagle population in the U.S. is thought to have once numbered between 250,000 and 500,000, but by 1963, largely because of the pesticide […]
If a Tree Falls in This Sound, There's Still a Forest
Native Canadian groups, environmentalists, and timber company MacMillan Bloedel signed a deal yesterday to end Canada’s most bitter forest fight. The agreement supports the use of selective, sustainable logging in Clayoquot Sound on Vancouver Island only in second-growth and fragmented old-growth stands, not in large pristine watersheds. Greenpeace Canada and the U.S.-based Natural Resources Defense […]
Shark Attack
The 1990s have seen a big rise in the popularity of shark fin meat, and fishers are capitalizing on the trend by catching tens of thousands of Pacific Ocean sharks, slicing off their fins, and tossing the animal remains back in the ocean. Sun-dried shark fins can command up to $250 a pound in Hong […]